Patent attributes
A platform-to-platform communication architecture for a process control messaging service in a process control system or other industrial setting allows stationary and portable industrial computing units to communicate with each other, in one-to-one and one-to-many communications, and across networks, including isolated networks inside the process control system or industrial setting and external networks. A requesting industrial computing device platform generates a message for a destination, or responding, industrial computing device in the communication protocol of the destination platform, and wraps the message in a communication protocol of the process control messaging service. The communication architecture decodes the wrapped message into the communication protocol of the destination industrial computing device and forwards the decoded wrapped message to the destination. The communication architecture allows for a variety of communication services, including, but not limited to, instant/real-time peer-to-peer messaging, time synchronization, automatic data transfer with an asset management system, communication with field devices via an asset management system and large data transfers.