Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Michael Fahey0
Serban P. Georgescu0
Eric Benoit0
Juhan Sonin0
Ravi Kuppuraj0
Date of Patent
August 13, 2019
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 10, 2016
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method is disclosed for displaying patient ECG data. The method includes receiving ECG data including an ECG waveform; receiving analyzed ECG data including arrhythmic events; generating an indicia of the detected arrhythmic event; and displaying the indicia of the detected arrhythmic event in relation to the ECG waveform at a position associated with a time of the detected arrhythmic event. A system for displaying patient ECG data is also disclosed.
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