Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Thomas Leberer0
Date of Patent
December 24, 2019
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
July 8, 2014
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A solar collector assembly (10) comprising a pipe (18) exposed to solar energy adapted to accommodate a fluid flow in such a way that the solar energy is transferred to the fluid, a heat pipe or any other energy guiding system or absorber; a reflector assembly (12) with a curved reflector (14) for focusing solar radiation in the range of the pipe (18), and an actuator (90,64, 80) for moving the reflector assembly (12) in a way that the solar radiation is reflected in the direction of the pipe (12), is characterized in that means (30, 32) are provided for releasably fixing the reflector assembly (12) to the pipe (18), and the actuator (90, 64, 80) is fixed at the reflector assembly (12) or in the reflector assembly (12).
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