Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Jae-Houb Chun0
Date of Patent
December 31, 2019
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 10, 2018
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method for fabricating a semiconductor device includes: forming a first conductive layer; forming a second conductive layer over the first conductive layer; forming a conductive line by etching the second conductive layer; etching a portion of the first conductive layer to form a plug head having the same critical dimension as the conductive line; forming a first spacer that covers the conductive line and the plug head; etching the remaining first conductive layer to form a plug body that is aligned with the first spacer, wherein the plug body have a greater critical dimension than the plug head; and forming a second spacer by performing a selective oxidation onto a side wall of the plug body.
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