Patent attributes
The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a housing (10, 20, 24, 30), a biased medicament delivery member guard (64) arranged movable in relation to the housing from a proximally extended position to a retracted position, a power pack (87) comprising a plunger rod (88) and a force element (118) arranged to act on said plunger rod (88), which power pack (87) is actuated by a release clip (96) movable in relation to the housing and arranged to said plunger rod (88) for releasibly holding said plunger rod (88) with the force element (118) in a tensioned state; a rotator (82) rotatably arranged inside said housing, which rotator (82) is arranged with a guide element (80) and a medicament delivery member guard lock element (84, 86) on its outer surface, wherein said medicament delivery member guard (64) is arranged with release clip activation elements (112) operably arranged to act on said release clip (96) for releasing said plunger rod, and wherein said medicament delivery member guard (64) is further arranged with a rotator activator element (78) arranged to cooperate with said guide element (80) for turning said rotator (82), upon movement of said medicament delivery member guard (64) to the retracted position, and wherein, upon movement of said medicament delivery member guard (64) back to the extended position, said rotator activator element (78) will engage said medicament delivery member guard lock element (84, 86) and lock said medicament delivery member guard (64) in a shielding position after removal of said medicament delivery device from a medicament delivery site.