Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Date of Patent
February 11, 2020
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 4, 2019
Patent Citations
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Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A cannula system and method for accessing a blood mass in the brain. The system comprises a cannula with a camera mounted on the proximal end of the cannula with a view into the cannula lumen and the surgical field below the lumen. A prism, reflector or other suitable optical element is oriented between the camera and the lumen of the cannula to afford the camera a view into the cannula while minimizing obstruction of the lumen. The system may also include an obturator with a small diameter shaft and a large diameter tip which is optically transmissive, so that a surgeon inserting or manipulating the assembly can easily see that the obturator tip is near brain tissue (which is white) or blood (which is red).
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