Patent attributes
The present invention relates to an improved mechanical pumping hydraulic unit for use in oil production or hydrocarbon extraction. The unit is characterized in that it has one motor (1-25), which activates a dual pump (1-15) at one end of the shaft and activates a fan (1-26) at the opposite end of the same shaft. The dual pump (1-15) provides power to the hydraulic power circuit (1-13) and to the hydraulic recirculation circuit (1-14). The motor (1-25), along with the pump (1-15) and the fan (1-26), are inside a metal structure (1-8), or focusing element, which serves to propel air sent by the fan (1-26) through the radiator (1-14-3) and to protect all the components of said unit, such as a tank (1-3) for the hydraulic oil, a compartment or casing for the electrical components (1-5), and a component or dry chamber (1-2) for the hydraulic instrument panel (1-7).