Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Rich Hirschinger0
Date of Patent
February 25, 2020
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
August 25, 2017
0Patent Citations
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Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A wedge-shaped therapeutic stretching device for the jaw generally having three sides (first, second and third), the three sides connected to each other to create the wedge shape. At the corner of two of the three sides is a stop that can rest on a user's lower teeth. On an opposing side of the stop is the second side of the stretching device, on which a plurality of steps is formed. A user's upper teeth can be placed on one of the steps. As the user's jaw flexibility increases, a user can move “up” in steps, thereby increasing distance between upper/lower jaw and allowing the jaw to stretch providing therapeutic relief.
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