Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Roy Ron0
Efstathios Katranaras0
Guang Liu0
Michal Palgy0
Date of Patent
February 25, 2020
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
May 4, 2018
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Methods and apparatus for transmitting and receiving data over a physical channel using a polar code are provided. The polar code defines a plurality of virtual channels within the physical channel and allocates a subset of the virtual channels for the transmission of data. The method for transmitting data: receives a block of data to be transmitted; receives additional data to be transmitted together with the block of data; selects one or more of the virtual channels; determines a scrambling sequence based on the additional data; applies the scrambling sequence to those bits of the block of data to generate a scrambled version of the block of data; and transmits the scrambled version of the block of data according to the polar code.
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