Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Pankaj Thakkar0
Martin Casado0
Ronghua Zhang0
Teemu Koponen0
Date of Patent
January 5, 2021
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 2, 2019
Patent Citations
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Some embodiments provide a system for implementing a logical network that includes a set of end machines, a first logical middlebox, and a second logical middlebox connected by a set of logical forwarding elements. The system includes a set of nodes. Each of several nodes includes (i) a virtual machine for implementing an end machine of the logical network, (ii) a managed switching element for implementing the set of logical forwarding elements of the logical network, and (iii) a middlebox element for implementing the first logical middlebox of the logical network. The system includes a physical middlebox appliance for implementing the second logical middlebox.
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