A wheel alignment mechanism having a control arm connector, which is adapted for connection to a vehicle suspension control arm positioned between a vehicle chassis and a vehicle wheel, and which has an elongate portion; an inner support frame having a first surface and a second surface on a side of the inner support frame opposing the first surface, the elongate portion of the control arm connector positioned against the first surface at a select one of a first set of plural mounting locations on the first surface, with the first set of plural mounting locations being disposed in a first direction; and an outer support frame adapted to receive a wheel mounting, the connector having a third surface, the second surface of the inner support frame being positioned against the third surface at a select one of a second set of plural mounting locations on the third surface, and with the second set of plural mounting locations being disposed in a second direction approximately perpendicular to the first direction. Means are provided for securing the control arm connector to the inner support frame and the inner support frame to the outer support frame.