Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Hagay Lupesko0
Sandeep Krishnamurthy0
Vikram Madan0
Yao Wang0
Jiajie Chen0
Jonathan Esterhazy0
Naveen Mysore Nagendra Swamy0
Roshani Nagmote0
Date of Patent
March 16, 2021
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 13, 2018
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Techniques for benchmarking a machine learning model/algorithm are described. For example, in some instances a method includes generating an execution plan for benchmarking of at least one task corresponding to a machine learning model based on an identified machine learning model, identified training data, and at least one objective for the benchmarking job; receiving execution statistics about the execution of the task as a part of the benchmarking job according to the execution plan; and updating the execution plan based at least in part on the received execution statistics of the task.
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