Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
John Bevil Bates0
Kevin Gary Smith0
Date of Patent
April 20, 2021
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 15, 2018
0Patent Citations
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
In various embodiments, a request is received for a claim that is responsive to an interrogatory, where the interrogatory uses values of items of interest regarding a subject user to produce the claim. Based on the request, it is determined that one or more permissions, included in one or more digitally signed transactions of one or more transaction blocks on one or more copies of a blockchain maintained at least in part by nodes of a distributed ledger system, represents the subject user granting a receiving entity with a right to receive claims that are responsive to interrogatories that use the values to produce the claims. Based on the determining, the receiving entity is granted access to the claim.
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