Patent attributes
The present invention is a new type of scrub sponge which includes a soft sponge portion and an abrasive pad. According to one embodiment of the invention, the abrasive pad is bonded to the sponge in a recess formed in the sponge so that during normal use, only the surface of the soft sponge will contact the surface of the item being cleaned. Should, during cleaning, the user require a more aggressive scrubbing action, the user may press into the upper side of the soft sponge on an upper side to force the abrasive pad out from its protective recess on the opposing side. The now protruding abrasive pad will contact the surface of the item being cleaned. The action of pushing out the abrasive pad is intuitive to the user since the user will typically push hard on any cleaning implement when they need more aggressive scrubbing action. With the present invention, as the user pushes hard, the more abrasive pad will reveal itself and offer its scrubbing texture to help in the cleaning process.