Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Nicole Elizabeth Samec0
Eric Baerenrodt0
John Graham Macnamara0
Nastasja U. Robaina0
Christopher M. Harrises0
Date of Patent
May 18, 2021
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
September 6, 2019
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A wearable ophthalmic device is disclosed. The device may include an outward facing head-mounted light field camera to receive light from a user's surroundings and to generate numerical light field image data. The device may also include a light field processor to generate modified numerical light field image data by computationally introducing an amount of optical power to the numerical light field image data based on a viewing distance from the user to an object. The device may also include a head-mounted light field display to generate a physical light field corresponding to the modified numerical light field image data.
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