Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Alan Kaatz0
Andrew Kerr0
Jack Choquette0
Manan Patel0
Olivier Giroux0
Omkar Paranjape0
Poornachandra Rao0
Shirish Gadre0
Date of Patent
August 3, 2021
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 12, 2019
0Patent abstract
A technique for block data transfer is disclosed that reduces data transfer and memory access overheads and significantly reduces multiprocessor activity and energy consumption. Threads executing on a multiprocessor needing data stored in global memory can request and store the needed data in on-chip shared memory, which can be accessed by the threads multiple times. The data can be loaded from global memory and stored in shared memory using an instruction which directs the data into the shared memory without storing the data in registers and/or cache memory of the multiprocessor during the data transfer.
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