Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Date of Patent
November 16, 2021
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 13, 2020
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Disclosed are media attachment systems to enable a user to embed a first media item with a link to a second media item, and distribute the first media item in a message to one or more recipient client devices. For example, the first media item may include a picture or video captured by a user at a client device. The user may generate a message that includes the first media item. In response, a media attachment system may cause display of an interface at the client device that includes an option to attach an address to a second media item to the message. For example, the second media item may include a web page, social media post, picture, or video identified by an address such as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
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