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Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Joshua K. Burgess0
Date of Patent
March 15, 2022
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
May 29, 2020
0Patent Citations
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Patent Primary Examiner
The weapon foregrip uses a modular design that includes a grip base and interchangeable angled grip attachments. The interchangeable angle grip attachments have bottom grip faces with differing grip angles, which allows the configuration of the foregrip to be selectively adapted for the particular user and weapon. The grip base has a grip body and an integral forward extending switch platform, which properly positions a pressure switch under the user's thumb so that an illumination and/or targeting device can be actuated by the user's thumb while maintaining a positive “thumb-forward” grip on the weapon. The foregrip may also have an electronics head, which houses integrated electronic illumination and/or targeting systems.
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