Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Dylan Edmund Pierpont0
Xiao Bai Lu0
Travis Joseph Fodor0
Erik A. Hill0
Brandon Kasey Harper0
Date of Patent
March 15, 2022
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
June 25, 2020
Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Multiple sound systems are used to provide a realistic audio MR audio experience for one or more users. In one example, an MR space sound system has one or more speakers distributed within an MR space. MR device sound systems for users provides sound directly to the users wearing the MR devices. Audio signals representative of sound in the MR experience are mixed by each sound system to provide sounds that complement each other. Both sound systems provide sound to the users based on events occurring in the MR experience.
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