Is a
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Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Ruijiao Xu0
Shawn Kallivayalil0
Lacey Gorochow0
Date of Patent
March 22, 2022
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
October 15, 2020
0Patent Citations
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Patent Primary Examiner
An example system can include a tubular braid, a catheter, and an embolic coil. The tubular braid can have an open end, a pinched end, and a predetermined shape. In the predetermined shape, the tubular braid can have two inversions and a middle segment extending between the two inversions that forms a sack. The tubular braid can be implanted in an implanted shape based on the predetermined shape. A distal end of the catheter can be inserted into the sack when the tubular braid is implanted. The embolic coil can be delivered through the catheter into the sack. The opening to the sack can correspond to a constricted columnar segment of the middle segment when the braid is in the predetermined shape.
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