Is a
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Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
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Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Andrea Klein Lacy0
Timothy Whalin0
Date of Patent
March 29, 2022
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 7, 2019
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Described herein is a system for adapting an output to a user input over a period of time based on how often the user interacts with the system. The system may determine a user's level of familiarity of the system, and may determine to personalize the output to a user request based on his level of familiarity. The user's level of familiarity may be determined by analyzing historical interactions between the user and the system. The level of personalization applied to the output may be determined based on the user's level of familiarity. As user becomes more familiar with the system, the output may be more personalized.
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