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Patent Jurisdiction
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Patent Inventor Names
Kyle Hollins Wray0
Stefan Witwicki0
Shlomo Zilberstein0
Connor Basich0
Date of Patent
April 19, 2022
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
October 30, 2019
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
A first method includes detecting, based on sensor data, an environment state; selecting an action based on the environment state; determining an autonomy level associated with the environment state and the action; and performing the action according to the autonomy level. The autonomy level can be selected based at least on an autonomy model and a feedback model. A second method includes calculating, by solving an extended Stochastic Shortest Path (SSP) problem, a policy for solving a task. The policy can map environment states and autonomy levels to actions and autonomy levels. Calculating the policy can include generating plans that operate across multiple levels of autonomy.
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