The disclosed methods are directed to detecting polypeptide fragments (“clips”) of parental polypeptides. Parental polypeptides and clips are optionally denatured and then fractionated using a matrix. After a first elution (high molecular weight fraction), an additional elution step retrieves a low molecular weight fraction containing clips. If the clips are an appropriate size for the targeted detection method, such as mass spectrometry, then analysis of this fraction proceeds separately from the high molecular weight fraction, or the clips fraction is mixed with the proteolyzed high molecular weight fraction before analysis. However, if the clips are too large for the intended analytical method(s), then the clips are also proteolyzed. The digested high molecular weight and low molecular weight fractions can be analyzed separately or combined. Analysis of combined samples favors clip quantitation because the clips are analyzed together with the remaining counterpart of the parental polypeptide.