An coherent transceiver includes a single silicon photonics substrate configured to integrate a laser diode chip flip-mounted and coupled with a wavelength tuning section to provide a laser output with tuned wavelengths which is split in X:Y ratio partly into a coherent receiver block as local-oscillator signals and partly into a coherent transmitter block as a light source. The coherent receiver includes a polarization-beam-splitter-rotator to split a coherent input signal to a TE-mode signal and a TM*-mode signal respectively detected by two 90-deg hybrid receivers and a flip-mounted TIA chip assisted by two local-oscillator signals from the tunable laser device. The coherent transmitter includes a driver chip flip-mounted on the silicon photonics substrate to drive a pair of Mach-Zehnder modulators with 90-degree shift in quadrature-phase branches to modulate the laser output to two polarized signals with I/Q modulation and uses a polarization-beam-rotator-combiner to combine them as a coherent output signal.