Is a
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Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Islam Khasanovich Raslambekov0
Date of Patent
August 2, 2022
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 7, 2021
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
A method and a system for planning an orthodontic treatment are provided. The method comprises: acquiring an arch form 3D digital model including a representation of the given tooth in a current position thereof within a subject's gingiva; determining an initial crown reference point and an initial root reference point; obtaining a target position of the given tooth within the arch form 3D digital model; determining a number of steps for the given tooth to displace from the current position to the target position thereof in the course of the orthodontic treatment; and storing data indicative of the number of steps associated with the given tooth for use in the planning the orthodontic treatment.
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