A plasmapheresis system and a method for operating a plasmapheresis system are provided by which a volume of plasma product (i.e., anticoagulated plasma) so that that the targeted volume of pure plasma in the plasma product is determined based on donor-specific characteristics. In particular, the targeted amount of pure plasma to be collected is based on the weight, or the weight and the height, of the donor. The targeted volume of pure plasma to be collected, TVP, may be a multiple of the donor's weight. Alternatively, TVP may be a multiple of the donor's total blood volume, TBV, with the TBV of the donor being determined based on the donor's weight and height. A target volume for the plasma product to be collected, TVPP, is established, and separation of whole blood into a plasma component and a second component continues until the volume of plasma product in a collection container equals TVPP.