Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Jagdeep Kaur Rangi0
Steve W. Fantaske0
Ronald G. Mercer0
Robert E. Beach0
Date of Patent
August 30, 2022
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 15, 2019
Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
A control method in a mobile automation system including a mobile automation apparatus and a control server. The method comprises, at the mobile automation apparatus: receiving a task identifier and a plurality of task fragments from the control server, each task fragment containing (i) a subset of identifiers for respective sub-regions in a facility, and (ii) an operational constraint. The method further includes, for each task fragment: generating a path traversing the subset of sub-regions, and while travelling along the path, performing the identified task.
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