Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Zachary Rapoport0
Frank Yang0
Sachin Kumar0
Varun Sundar0
Chetan Machakanoor0
Eric Beaupre0
Date of Patent
October 4, 2022
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 13, 2020
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
A mirror assembly can include a housing, a mirror, and a light source. In certain embodiments, the mirror is rotatable within a support portion of the mirror assembly. In some embodiments, the mirror assembly includes a light pipe configured to emit a substantially constant amount of light along a periphery of the mirror. In some embodiments, the mirror assembly includes a sensor assembly. The sensor assembly can be configured to adjust the amount of emitted light based on the position of a user in relation to the mirror.
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