Patent attributes
A stable base supports a handle portion of an emergency light. The stable base has a stand portion and a base portion, which are separated from each other. The stand portion is assembled about the handle portion of the light, and has two pivotable legs extending therefrom. The handle portion itself together with the base portion forms a third leg. The base portion is formed from an upper and a lower portion assembled with a connecting member. A plate is formed on the lower base portion. In a first configuration, the legs are generally transverse to an axis of the emergency light handle, to form a tripod-like support on approximately level ground. In a second configuration, the legs are disposed downwardly so as to be generally parallel to the axis of the handle portion, such that the tips of the legs are disposed downward and are adapted to be inserted into the ground to resist high winds and gusts. In a third configuration, the legs are raised upward such that the tips of the legs are disposed adjacent to the handle portion of the emergency light, and are adapted to be inserted into a container for storage or shipping.