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Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Date of Patent
February 21, 2023
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
September 14, 2020
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
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Mobilized platforms are disclosed herein. The mobilized platforms can include one or more fork hangers attached to a platform with a cog-hub assembly attached thereto. The fork hangers can be attached to the cog-hub assemblies such that each fork hanger is attached to a cob-hub assembly at both a first cog-hub assembly end and a second cog-hub assembly end opposite said first cog-hub assembly end. The mobilized platforms can include additional features such as baseplates or transom plates. The cog-hub assemblies can also comprise wheel assemblies or connected cog-hub subassemblies. The mobilized platforms can also include a treading connected to the cog-hub assemblies.
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