Is a
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Patent Applicant
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Patent Number
Date of Patent
March 7, 2023
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
September 25, 2020
Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Food products can be stored and sold in packaging. For example, a perishable food product can be stored in a first compartment of a packaging, and a second food product can be stored in a second compartment. The first compartment can include a modified atmosphere to increase the shelf life of the food product in the first compartment. The second compartment can be under normal atmosphere. This allows a more perishable food product to be stored in the first compartment, and a prepackaged, or otherwise less perishable food product to be separately stored in the second compartment, while extending the shelf life of the food products. The first product could be a sandwich, and the second product be one or more condiments for the sandwich.
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