Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
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Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Thomas Achddou0
Jean-Baptiste Noel0
Nicolas Duponchel0
Renaud Cousin0
Date of Patent
April 4, 2023
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 2, 2021
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
CPC Code
A remapping space may define correspondence between times within a video and times within a time-remapped video. Responsive to user selection of a moment within the video for initiation of time remapping using a selected playback speed, a start point and an end point may be inserted at the selected moment within the remapping space. Responsive to user selection of a segment within the video to apply the selected playback speed in the time remapping, the start point and/or the end point may be moved to change the correspondence between times within the video and times within the time-remapped video.
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