Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
William Reeves0
John S. Phillips0
Gregory Buckley0
Date of Patent
May 9, 2023
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
August 31, 2020
0Patent Citations
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
According to one aspect of the present disclosure, a method of delivering a self-directed user experience includes encoding access to an intermediate menu in at least one matrix bar code, developing an intermediate menu that facilitates a self-directed user experience, and presenting the at least one matrix bar code to a user via placement on a product. Further in accordance with this aspect, the method may include directing the user to the intermediate menu via the at least one matrix bar code such that the self-directed user experience is responsive to user interaction with intermediate menu.
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