Is a
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Patent Number
Date of Patent
May 30, 2023
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 19, 2020
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
A face covering hat assembly for includes a hat for wearing on a user's head. The hat has a head portion and a flap that is coupled to the head portion. The flap is positionable in an exposing position having the head portion is exposed. A mask is provided for wearing on a user's face such that the mask covers the user's mouth and the user's nose. The mask is storable between the flap and the head portion of the hat when the mask in not is worn. A pair of first straps is each coupled to the mask and each of the first straps is releasably matable to the flap. A pair of second straps is each coupled to the mask and each of the second straps is extendable around then user's neck when the mask is worn.
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