An x-ray imaging apparatus includes an x-ray source module configured to output source x-rays, a pencil-beam-forming module having input and output ports, and a module engagement interface that enables a user to select aligned and non-aligned configurations of the source and pencil-beam-forming modules. In the aligned configuration, the pencil-beam-forming module is aligned with the source module to receive source x-rays at the input port and to output a scanning pencil beam through the output port toward a target. In the non-aligned configuration, the pencil-beam-forming module is not aligned with the x-ray source module to receive the source x-rays nor to output the pencil beam, but instead enables the source x-rays to form a stationary, wide-area beam directed toward the target. Example embodiments can be handheld, can enable both backscatter imaging and high-resolution transmission imaging using the same apparatus, and can be employed in finding and disarming explosive devices.