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Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Date of Patent
June 27, 2023
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 17, 2021
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
A first network function (NF) instance sends a request for a session to a second NF instance. The first NF instance receives a response, from the second NF instance, that includes a binding header that includes a failover mode identifier, a designated number of retry attempts, and a retry mode. The first NF instance sends a second request for the session to the second NF instance. The first NF instance determines if an error or a timed out response has occurred subsequent to sending the second request to the second NF instance, and re-sends, in response to the error or timed out response, the second request based on the failover mode identifier, the designated number of retry attempts and the retry mode from the binding header.
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