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Patent Number
Date of Patent
July 25, 2023
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 25, 2020
0Patent Citations
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Patent Primary Examiner
Stapling assemblies for use with a surgical stapler are provided. In one exemplary embodiment, a stapling assembly can include a cartridge and a knitted adjunct that is configured to be releasably retained on the cartridge. The adjunct includes first fibers, second fibers, and spacer fibers, in which the first fibers and the spacer fibers are intertwined to form a top layer of the adjunct, the second fibers and the spacer fibers are intertwined to form a bottom layer of the adjunct, and the first fibers, the second fibers, and the spacer fibers are intertwined to form at least one finished edge extending between the top and bottom layers such that the at least one finished edge substantially prevents fraying.
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