Electric and hydrogen technology automobiles and vehicles such as trucks, buses, ships and boats are believed to be the future of transportation; however for the time being, the problems surrounding the technologies are significant and have kept the consumers away for various reasons including the capacity of batteries and fuel cells, the lack of filling stations, and most of all the limited distance the vehicles can travel without a recharge, which for small electric vehicles can take up to 20 minutes before they can continue to travel with a full battery or fuel cell. Commercial vehicles in particular; cannot take the time to stop frequently and worst yet take the significant amount of time that it would take to recharge their systems. Hybrid vehicles still rely on gasoline which is available to increase the travel distance, but customers concerned for the environment have not yet embraced the solution and larger vehicles such as commercial trucks are not about to take the risk of being left out without fuel under any circumstances. This current invention “Airflow Power Generating Apparatus’ is for use in present and future electric and hydrogen technology vehicles and solves the challenges present today as it provides a system to charge batteries and fuel cells while the vehicle is moving forward. This system will extend the distance vehicles can travel or may eliminate completely the need to recharge batteries of fuel cells at homes or at charge stations.