Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Maria Teresa Gomez Ochoa
Ibon Gutierro Aduriz
Date of Patent
September 12, 2023
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 25, 2020
Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Injectable depot compositions comprising a biocompatible polymer which is a polymer or copolymer based on lactic acid and/or lactic acid plus glycolic acid having a monomer ratio of lactic to glycolic acid in the range from 48:52 to 100:0, a water-miscible solvent having a dipole moment of about 3.7-4.5 D and a dielectric constant of between 30 and 50, and a drug, were found suitable for forming in-situ biodegradable implants which can evoke therapeutic drug plasma levels from the first day and for at least 14 days.
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