Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Dawn Rosemary Churchill
Chinmayee Somaiya
Paul Frederick Birchall
Graham Stephen Cutcliffe
Peter Delangre
Christopher John Roberts
Bradley Scott Templeton
Wendall Eric Trull
Date of Patent
September 12, 2023
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
August 20, 2021
Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
A system and method for updating patient devices is disclosed. The patient devices may include respiratory therapy devices that operate in accordance with instruction sets, such as software or firmware. A server may maintain a database of configuration data indicating the versions of the software and firmware that is currently installed on the patient devices. The server may also transmit updated instructions from over a network, including a wireless network. Particular patient devices may be selected for updating based on the configuration data. Upon performing an update a patient device may transmit configuration data to the server.
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