For cross-channel spectral analysis of measurement data from multiple recording units with independent sampling clocks, a processing method corrects phase mismatch between the data received over the different channels. Blocks of sampled measurement data are buffered in a hardware logic circuit and timestamps are associated with successive blocks through a hardware interrupt to a GPS receiver of each recording unit. For each first channel data block, the block's starting point, a closest point in time in a data block of the second channel, and the starting point of that second channel data block are determined, using GPS timestamps associated with those data blocks, nominal sampling rate and block size. Phase correction based on the time offset between starting points of the pairs of data blocks and the interval between starting points of successive blocks is applied in the frequency domain after a time-to-frequency domain transformation. Multiple frames of phase-corrected spectra may then be averaged. Only a subset of samples in each data block need be used based upon a specified overlap ratio.