Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Robert Esche
Kerry D. O'Mara
Robert DeWitt
Gary Miller
Michael Sullivan
Michael York
John Allen
David Helmlinger
Date of Patent
September 19, 2023
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
October 26, 2020
Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A system is provided for processing documents. In particular, the system is incorporates a feeder for feeding documents to a device for further processing of the documents. For instance, the system finds particular application in the field of document imaging in which a variety of documents of varying sizes and orientation are to be fed to an imaging system, such as a document scanner. The system may provide an input mechanism for easily identifying a characteristic of one of the documents and the system may include features for handling packets of documents.
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