Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Lann Martin
Gregory Rourk Nelson
Robert Collier Barnes
Jerry Johns
Prashant P. Reddy
Grant Michael Erickson
Jeffery T. Lee
Jay D. Logue
Date of Patent
October 10, 2023
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 7, 2022
Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A distributed resource model is described that maintains traits of resources in a distributed computing system. The traits include properties, commands, and events that, along with protocols operating in the distributed computing system, provide real-time access to the traits of resources in the distributed computing system, as well as real-time command of controls for the resources. Controllers manage and publish the traits of resources and provide various types of functionality, such as arbitration, complexity management, fan-out of capabilities, coordination, adaptation, and resource proxying.
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