Representative methods, apparatus and systems are disclosed for providing concurrent electrical stimulation and electrical recording in a human or non-human subject, such as for neuromodulation, with the apparatus coupleable to an electrode array. A representative apparatus is typically an integrated circuit including: stimulation circuits, recording circuits, and blocking circuits responsive to control signals to block the stimulation voltage or current on an electrode from a corresponding recording circuit, while other recording circuits may simultaneously record electrical signals from other electrodes and generate recorded data. A representative stimulation circuit may include current sources; a first multiplexer for current source selection; a second multiplexer for electrode selection; a switchable voltage offset circuit; a switchable grounding circuit; and a stimulation controller providing control signals to provide the electrical stimulation, such as biphasic or monophasic stimulation, and bipolar or unipolar stimulation. Off-chip communication, control, along with power and voltage level control, are also provided.