Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Lucas Mitchell Shaw0
John Daniel Cheek0
Michael J. Erwin0
Thomas Michael Probus0
Bradley Robert Young0
Date of Patent
January 2, 2024
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 17, 2023
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A fluid exchanger may exchange a fluid (e.g., coolant) in a reservoir (e.g., vehicle radiator) by removing or withdrawing a first fluid (e.g., old, spent, used, etc.) and by introducing a second fluid (e.g., new, clean, etc.). For example, the fluid exchanger may use a negative pressure, suction, or vacuum to draw the first fluid from the reservoir, and subsequently, the second fluid may be transferred into the reservoir using a negative pressure held in the reservoir, a positive pressure applied to the second fluid, or a combination thereof. The fluid exchanger may also include a multi-purpose, hand-held nozzle that can change an operation of the fluid exchanger from a withdrawing mode to a dispensing mode.
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