Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Jason Bellar0
Amy Savaiinaea0
Jeremy L. Velten0
Date of Patent
January 2, 2024
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 13, 2022
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A mobile assembly apparatus and a method of assembling a retail product utilizing a retail assembly are discussed. The mobile assembly apparatus may include a cabinet structure, an expandable work surface, a frame, wheels, an articulated arm, outrigger supports, a power supply, sensors, a hardware dispenser, and a computing device. The mobile assembly apparatus scans a machine readable identifier and retrieves assembly instructions for an item associated with the identifier. The computing device controls the outrigger supports and extendable surface based on the instructions. The computing device monitors the progress of the assembly of the time and validates the assembly based on assembly data from the sensors.
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