Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
James A. Sack0
Jack Y. Yeh0
Date of Patent
January 30, 2024
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
May 15, 2020
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A deployment device for a tissue repair system includes a front delivery assembly that is detachable from a base assembly of the deployment device. The front delivery assembly includes at least one prosthesis and at least one driven assembly that actuates the at least one prosthesis. The base assembly includes a driving assembly that may engage the at least one driven assembly of the at least one prosthesis. The front delivery assembly can be rotated so that the position of a prosthesis in the front delivery assembly is moved in and out of alignment with the driving assembly. A kit of parts may be provided that includes a base assembly as well as two or more detachable front delivery assemblies.
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