There is described a color-changing LED bulb in the LED bulb technical field. The bulb has light-emitting components, under which electrified components are mounted. The outer surface of the light-emitting component is covered by a lampshade. The light-emitting component includes a component loading board with a protective cover on the outer side. The power cord stretches out of the bottom of the loading board and is connected to electrified components. Capacitors are also mounted at the bottom of the loading board. This color changing LED bulb controls the power supply to the beads via a chip bridge rectifier, chip resistor, and IC chip. If the switch is flipped, the chip bridge rectifier detects if power is supplied. By connecting the 3 different IC chips—U1, U2 & U3, U1 chip controls the U2 & U3 IC chip to electrify the beads of different colors. Each time that the switch is operated (flipped), a different color is displayed.