Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Jerome Lefrancois0
Louis-Charles Gingras0
Patrick Mathieu0
Mathieu Hamel-Gagnon0
Laurent Savard0
Date of Patent
October 1, 2024
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
June 26, 2020
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A ram air vent for a vehicle has a base defining a base aperture therein; a hood connected to the base over the base aperture, the hood and base defining a forwardly facing air inlet therebetween, the hood and the base defining an air passage extending from the air inlet to the base aperture; a baffle disposed in the air passage for deflecting air flowing in the air passage from the air inlet for separating water from air flowing in the air passage, the baffle facing the air inlet; and at least one water passage defined in at least one of the base or the hood. The at least one water passage exits a rear side of the ram air vent. The at least one water passage drains water separated from air flowing in the air passage from the ram air vent.
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