Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Dragan Petrovic0
Luke John Campbell0
Date of Patent
October 1, 2024
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 20, 2019
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Introduced here are systems and methods to increase accuracy of speech recognition by utilizing multiple sensors placed at multiple speech transmission regions such as a user's lips, throat, ear canal, etc. The various speech transmission regions are better at transmitting certain phonemes, and a sensor placed close to a particular speech transition region can more accurately detect the phoneme transmitted through the particular speech transmission region. For example, a microphone placed close to the lips can better detect labial phonemes such as m, n, p, and b, than a microphone placed close to the throat. Further, disclosed here are ways to reduce energy consumption while performing speech recognition.
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